Car Wash

Top Expert Car Cleaning Tips To Keep Your Car Look Like A New One

If you are someone who loves your car and to keep your car clean you wash it regularly; then you might be doing something wrong.

At V20 Car Wash Black Rock, we come across several cars whose owners used to wash their cars daily, leading to rusting issues.

If you want to avoid facing such issues by car wash Melbourne, then make sure to follow this blog till the end.

In this blog, we will share some of the top expert car cleaning tips we use while doing car detailing Cheltenham.

Top Experts Car Cleaning Tips To Keep Your Car Clean & New

 Let us have a look at some of the best expert tips to keep your car looking like a new one forever:

1- Car washing process:

 When we talk about washing your car, people just follow the process of spraying water on their car, and that’s it. However, if you spray water on your car daily and keep your car wet, then there is a high chance that you will also have to face rusting car issues.

If you just want to keep your car clean, ensure you get it professionally cleaned by V20 Car Wash once a week/month.

For the rest of the day, you can habitually clean your car with a clean cloth and a bucket of water. You don’t need to spray water on that car, take a cloth and start cleaning it.

When you notice the dirty cloth, wash it with the water in the bucket.

2- Only water cannot help:

If you think only water can help you give your car a timeless look, then you are wrong, as you would need proper equipment and products to use along with water cleaning. You can get a proper shampoo for your car, along with a few items such as glass cleaner and a spray after cleaning that will help you look great.

3- Way to wash your car:

First, you must spray water on the car, so the surface gets wet. Once that is done, you need to apply shampoo or the cleaner you want. Make sure you apply it with your hands to remove all the hard sand particles.

In the second last step, you must wash your car with water again to eliminate all the dirt, dust, and foam.

Lastly, clean or wipe the car with a clean cloth, so you don’t get water marks after drying it.

4- Clean your car from the inside:

Most people don’t take this step seriously, but you should also clean your car from the inside. You can also get an interior car cleaning, with the help of which you can make the interior shine.


Cleaning your car is complex if you are not following the right tips and tricks. If you cannot give your car a clean look you want, contact V20 Car wash.